Part 24
Now that we have the Shining Zeta Gundam! I think it's time I take another side trip.
This time to a lovely little place called Mt. Trial.
This is as close as I could park, so it's gonna be a bit of a walk there. Of course, by now you should be able to use Invisible or a stealth system to prevent the random encounters in this area.
It Begins...
Now, before you go into this place, I highly suggest that you give Aeon a front charge and either a Large Type or an enhanced propellent! Trust me. I didn't give Aeon a Front Charge during my trip here and, well... you'll see later.
At Mt. Trial are these red encounters.
Triggering a fight with them will cause you to enter a fight with, not one, but TWO Kai versions of the Mobile Armor bosses we've fought before. First up is the Zock Kai.
These guys are no joke. They will fire their Boost attacks much more frequently, and they hit a lot harder than the original.
Luckily, thanks to Aeon here, I can render most of their attacks ineffective.
You want to kill one of the Mobile Armors as quickly as possible. Once you kill one of them, the rest of the fight is a breeze.
The next boss should be easy to guess.
Two Xamel Kais.
The general strategy for fighting them is virtually the same as with the Zocks, just replace "Beam field" with "Chaff Field," and you're good to go.
This is where things start to get tricky.
Two Apsalus Kais. In theory the strategy is basically the same as it was with the Zocks. However, it's a lot more complicated than that.
First, these guys will buff their attack, so you really don't want to get hit by them.
These guys start with double the EN of the Zocks, so they have no problem spamming their Boost attacks.
They're also not above fighting dirty.
Be careful with how you use your Beam Fields as well. It won't block their Magnetic Storm Boost.
Of course, since Magnetic Storm is their weakest attack by far, you actually want them to use it.
Keep up the attack though, and eventually one of them will fall, ensuring your victory.
Here is where I run right into a brick wall.
Fuck these guys.
You know how my usual strategy for bosses consists of me saving up enough EN so that I can fire off my strongest Boosts one after another? That strategy doesn't work here for various reasons. For one, Gatling Fire is useless because all of my good guns are Beam weapons, and the Big Zam Kai is immune to Beam weapons.
Another thing is that the BZK will spam the shit out of Earthquake, which does a ton of damage and can stun my units.
I tried to fight these guys like I did with the others, and I got my shit absolutely wrecked.
So now I'm forced to change my strategy. Ranged attacks are almost worthless because all of my good guns are Beam weapons, so the only way for me to get good consistent damage is with Melee attacks and techniques.
I changed Tremmie's loadout for the next fight, stripped off her guns, gave her the Drill Lance and gave her as much armor as I could. I also switched out Vargas' Long Rifle with a Giant Bazooka Kai so that I can still use his Snipe Boosts.
I also had to be a lot more patient. This battle quickly became a war of attrition, and I had to destroy one of the BZK's before they wore down my resources, or I was fucked.
I also used Beam Field a bit more frequently, since most of the time when the BZK used a Boost it would be Earthquake, which can't be blocked. So I used Beam Field whenever it was about to use a Ranged attack so I could get some breathing room.
This fight took forever, and I eventually gave up and used a guide so that I could tell what the bosses next move would be. All bosses tend to have a set pattern to their actions, so once you find out what that pattern is, you can exploit it.
Finally, after a long and grueling fight, I manage to take down one of the BZK's. Now that the bosses' damage output has been halved, I can start breathing a lot easier now.
At this point I started to use Aeon a bit more offensively to speed up the end of the fight.
Fuck you, BZK.
Now, what reward would be worth all of this pain and misery?
Why, it's the Motherfucking Heavyarms Kai!
Say hello to Fritz' upgrade.
Just look at that Ranged stat, and I haven't even touched it yet.
Unfortunately, I can't really do anything to the Heavyarms to make it better. Every part of it will increase the Range stat of the mech, so anything I would do to it would only make it worse.
I also switched out the Shining Zeta Gundam's Short Barrier to give it more HP.
Next time, we do a bit of sequence breaking in order to get another mech.
Robot Roll Call
XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Kai
First Appearance: New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
The most Orky of Mobile Suits. Much like the Sandrock, the Kai upgrade mostly just lets it fight in space and gives it a Double Gatling Gun.